Sunday, December 4, 2011

He's Here! 11.30.11

Not very many people begin labor with their water breaking, and even though this happened when I had Sarah Claire, I really did not expect it to happen this time.  After all, if the chances were slim for that to happen ONCE, what were the odds that it would happen twice?  So, after I hit 37 weeks, I began paying close attention to any pain or discomfort - I was just SURE it was a contraction or would turn into one! I was scheduled to be induced if I didn't go into labor by December 1, so when the morning of November 30 rolled around, I was trying to just accept the fact that I wasn't going to get to avoid induction.  I was pretty disappointed.  I figured that even though it was my due date, it would just be another Wednesday. Christopher, Sarah Claire and I were sitting down to eat breakfast, and as Christopher blessed the food, he ended his prayer by asking God to please make me go into labor- and soon.  He ended the prayer and Sarah Claire - who loves the Christmas tree lights and LOVES to sing- started pointing to the tree and "telling" me that she wanted to sing a song.

 I was on  the second verse of "O Christmas Tree" when my water broke.  Hallelujah! 

I wasn't contracting yet, so I knew I'd have time to get our things together and shave my legs.  (why does that seem so important before having a baby?!) Sarah Claire needed to nap, and I knew the paperwork could take a while, so I went ahead to the hospital and Christopher stayed with the soon-to-be big sis.  The nurses confirmed what I already knew - my water had broken, but I wasn't contracting.  I was relieved to know that I had already dilated to 2 cm, so even though they'd have to give me pitocin (a contraction-causing drug with which I have a love/hate relationship; it's what they gave me when I had Essie), I wouldn't be starting "cold." So they started the IV and I started contracting, and as they got a little bit more intense, I was grateful to have Christopher, Sarah Claire, my mom, Sarah Nell and then Mary Ashley and later on, my dad there to encourage me and distract me.  (Note: this, like everything else, was a family affair!) 

I would love to report that I was brave enough to labor totally naturally, but when you throw pitocin in the mix,  I don't see how that's possible, so around 4 cm (and around 3 p.m.), I asked for an epidural.  The Angel of Pain Relief arrived, but after four horrible failed attempts and some incredible unsettling comments later (he actually said, "I can't seem to do this! i keep hitting bone! oh wow, i better call in reinforcements"), he finally got it in.  And I changed his name from Angel to Pain Relief for obvious reasons. I have to pause here to say that my husband is incredible.  I was so scared of the epidural and the whole idea that someone is messing with my spine, and Christopher was amazing the entire time.  He kept me calm, and even though I was shaking the whole time, he kept me still.  I don't think I could have done it without him!  My nurse - LaTonya - was a Godsend too.  Somebody needs to get that woman a raise. She was remarkable.  Once the epidural kicked in, life was glorious.  I was still uncomfortable, but not in significant pain.  All I could think about was meeting Luke!

I progressed quickly from there; between 3:00 and 5:00, I went from being 4 cm dilated to 10.  I knew the second I was at 10.  The nurse confirmed it, cleared the room of visitors, and told me it was time to push.  I got scared for a minute, but then remembered that I had done this before AND i lived to tell the story.  So from 5:15 until about 5:30, I pushed.  The called my doctor, and told him it was time to deliver this baby!  Dr. Carpenter arrived almost immediately, and Luke arrived a few minutes later.  He entered this world at 5:39 p.m.  He was perfect.  Christopher cut the cord, and looked so proud that he had a SON!

The first thing I noticed were his little feet with long, skinny toes, so my first words to my son were... wait for it... "I love your monkey toes!" Seriously.  So poetic.  But i DID love his monkey toes. and his blue eyes. and his strawberry-blonde hair. and his little tiny newborn cry.  He weighed 7 lbs even and measured 21 inches long.  I was - and still am- crazy for this boy. 

I got to hold him and nurse him right away.  It was the sweetest time!  I want to relive that moment a million times and don't want to forget a detail (one reason for all of the details in this blog!). It really is a miracle, the whole having-a-baby experience...  I can't explain what it does to my heart.  I love being a momma!

We are home now and are marveling over all of the love and support that we've received from family and friends.  We can't ever thank y'all enough!  We are loving being a family of four, and find it totally appropriate that Luke arrived between Thanksgiving and Christmas; we are beyond thankful for his safe arrival and his health, and we know that he one of the greatest gifts we'll ever receive.  We have so much to celebrate!

Meet Luke Austin Persinger!

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! Keep up with your blog....your children will love it. :-) So proud of you and your sweet little family. I can't wait to meet and hold Luke.
